Have you been racking your brains trying to come up with design ideas for your small room? Don’t worry – we have got your back! Decorating a small room is all about working with the items you love and strategically placing them all over the room. This includes using multipurpose furniture at home, using your corners and nooks, and much more.

Wish to know more? Then read on as we present the 14 best tips to decorate a small space. Let’s get started!

Best Tips to Decorate A Small Space

  • Folding and Multi-purpose Furniture

Folding and multi-purpose furniture is a blessing for small rooms. Beds, dining tables, and desks are now made to ensure they take up as little space as possible. So get a couch-cum-bed or a side table that becomes a desk when needed!

  • Use Mirrors

Mirrors make a great job of reflecting light in a room and making it look more spacious. You can use a few small ones to create a gallery of mirrors or use a large one to save some space.

  • Keep Enough Lights

Proper lighting in Dubai will make your room feel breezy. Ditch those blinds and let the natural light in. Make sure you use additional lighting too. Use pendant lights and wall scones to save some space.

  • Bigger Items on Room Perimeters

You can always use big furniture in small rooms – you just have to be smart about placing them. Make sure to keep large items like bookcases and couches against the wall. This will free up the floor for more stuff.

  • Don’t Clutter

You also have to leave enough open space in your room to move around. So make sure you don’t clutter – leave some space for utility and mobility.

  • Keep Less Stuff

You have to get rid of anything that you don’t need. Unnecessary, impractical possessions can take up precious space in your room – something you cannot afford!

  • Be Bold

Making bold statements in a big room can seem like a bit of a risk. But, small spaces are the perfect place to go bold – you won’t overwhelm the atmosphere at all! Use quirky picture frames, cute pillows, accent walls, and more. You can even get colorful wallpaper for just one wall!

  • Creatively Use Storage

Make sure to pick out furniture that looks good and has additional storage space. Buy beds that have storage cabinets underneath. Or ottomans that have extra space under them.

  • Use Vertical Space

The best part about decorating your walls is adding elements to store items while making them look aesthetic! Use vertical bookcases or shelves to keep pretty vases to enhance the look of your room.

  • Large Rugs

Using a large rug in a small room will lend a sense of grandeur to the room – it will feel much more spacious. While you need to consider the shape of furniture and your room, make sure to get the biggest rug possible in that range.

  • Play With Symmetry

If you need lots of seating, make sure the seating pieces complement and mirror each other. This way, it won’t look crowded in the room.

  • Use Flowers and Plants

Adorn the shelves mentioned above with flowers and plants. It will bring style and life to your room. If you can maintain them, use natural plants. If not, fake plants or succulents work just fine too!

  • Use Corners and Nooks

Utilize every nook and cranny of your room. Use a small bar table or a desk area to save some space while storing your stuff.

  • Divide and Conquer

Last but not least, divide and conquer. Make sure your room is perfectly divided with open shelves, paper room dividers, or sheer curtains to create the sense of separate spaces. It will make your room look more open and airier.


The ultimate goal while decorating your room is to have fun. Mix and match, work with your intuition, and go for anything that feels right. Follow the tips mentioned above and we guarantee that you will end up in the room of your dreams. All the best!

Infographic Provided By luxury apartments in Chicago , Downtown Apartment Company