So you are ready to pack up and move your family into a bigger and better home?
Often, we will reach stages in our life when it is time to move on and find a new family home. Maybe because you are expecting a new baby and need more space. Or perhaps you have to move for a new job. Whatever the reason, it is important that your next property fits your family’s needs and lifestyle.
Buying a new home and moving house can be a very stressful time. There is a lot of external factors that you need to organize and stay on top of. Not only that, though, but you also have to keep your family organized so that the move goes smoothly. Trying to juggle it all on top of a busy work and social schedule can feel pretty overwhelming. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be quite so difficult. In this blog post, we’ve outlined all the important dos and don’ts of moving home. From putting in an offer on your dream property to unpacking into your new family home. We’ve got all aspects of moving covered to help you out. So read on to ensure your next move goes as smoothly as possible!
Do Know What Lenders Like
Before you start looking at potential houses, you need to know what your budget is. The best way to do this is to speak to lenders to find out how big a mortgage you will be able to have. If possible, you need to try and save up as much as possible for a deposit to use on your new property. If you are selling your current house, you should be able to get a sizeable deposit using funds from the sale of your house. This larger deposit can help you get a smaller mortgage, one that shouldn’t be too difficult to pay off. When you speak to lenders, they will want an idea of the type of property that you are looking for. You should be aware that there are some properties that lenders will be more keen to lend money for than others. For example, unusually constructed buildings that aren’t made out of the standard bricks and mortar. You may also find it hard to get a mortgage from lenders for houses on brownfield sites or homes that are too close to the sea. So if you want a property that you can quickly get a mortgage for, look for a standard home that doesn’t surprise lenders too much.
Don’t Think You Can Skip Viewing A Home
Viewing a potential new home is critical. How can you get a feel for whether a home is suitable for you and your family just by looking at photos on the realtor’s website? Viewing a property gives you a feel for how big it is. It also gives you the chance to imagine you and your family living in it. You can use your imagination to see exactly how you could put your own personal stamp on it. But viewing a property also has some very important benefits. For example, you will be able to see whether there will be any significant work or maintenance that needs doing once you move in. If you have a relative or friend who is a builder or familiar with maintaining properties, you should take them with you to the viewing. They will have an eagle eye and will be able to tell whether something needs doing to the house. You should also look at several properties before you settle on one. Otherwise, you might not end up getting a good deal for your money.
Do Invest In A Survey
Don’t worry if you don’t have a professional builder friend who you can take with you to all the viewings. You can always get a survey done on the property. In fact, this can be useful even if you do take a builder with you to all the viewings. Surveys may be quite expensive, but they can save you a whole load of cash in the long run. When you get a survey, builders will examine your desired property in great detail. You will then get a report that will state any maintenance or work that will need doing on the property in the short-term future.
Don’t Buy At Auctions
Many people think that going to property auctions is a great way to snap up a bargain. However, this can often be a huge misconception. It’s true that all the real estate will be advertised at very low prices. But, if you get into a heated bidding war, the price of the house could end up going up way more than you expected. For this reason, many people find that they end up buying a piece of real estate at way more than they were expecting at auctions. If you stick to your budget, then you won’t risk spending too much money. However, many people find that they easily get carried away once they are at the auction. So it is always safer to stay away from auctions and just buy your next home the traditional way through a realtor.
Don’t Buy Because A Home Has Fantastic Decor
Sure, a brilliant decor is a great selling point. But it shouldn’t be the only one. It is especially important not to let some fancy furnishings win you over. After all, these belong to the current homeowners and they will be packing them up and taking them with them. When you are viewing a property, try to look past the decor and furnishings. This can help you to use your mind’s eye and imagine your family living in the home. Can you see how all your furniture will fit into the home? It is also a good idea to try and plan how you would decorate the house as you walk around it. The more you do to imagine you and your family living in the home can help you assess whether it is exactly what you are after. And remember to keep on asking yourself if the house suits your family’s wants and needs.
Do Consider The Surrounding Area
You shouldn’t just focus all your attention on the house. You also need to consider the neighborhood and surrounding area. Especially if you have kids. Is there a good school close by? All of the surrounding amenities and facilities should be important factors when you are considering different houses. Try and find a home that has everything that your family will need within driving distance. If there are amenities within walking distance, then even better. But you also need to bear in mind that homes close to a wide range of facilities can be quite expensive. The affluence of the neighborhood could also affect the price of property. Safety is also a big issue. Try to find out the crime rate of the neighborhood you are interested in. If the burglary figures shock you, you may prefer to move your search to another area.
Don’t Try And Do Your Move Without Help
Moving all your belongings from one home to another is no easy task. Especially if you are moving to a different state. It is always a good idea to enlist the help of a removal firm, such as Town and Country Movers. If you are moving across state lines, you should make sure the firm you choose carry out long-distance moves as not all companies do. It will also pay to get help from your friends or families if you need someone to take care of the kids while you are packing up your house. Obviously, it makes a lot of sense to organize your move for a weekday when the kids are at school. However, if this isn’t possible, speak to your friends and relatives. Someone will be able to look after the kids so that they are out of your hair while you are busy packing.
Don’t Buy Too Much
Just because you have found a large home that is going for a bargain price, should you really buy it? If you aren’t planning on expanding your family anytime soon, the answer is probably not. You should always buy just enough house for your needs. Otherwise, you could end up spending a lot of money on utility bills once you are all settled in. That extra bedroom that was once desirable will need to be heated throughout winter, which can push up your bills. So it’s not looking like such a good idea to buy a huge house now is it?
Buying and moving a new family home doesn’t have to be such a daunting prospect. At least, not now that you have this blog post to help you figure out what you should and shouldn’t do! The main thing that can help your move run smoothly is good planning. If you are well organized, you will find that hardly anything goes wrong and you will get settled into your new home very quickly!