Is your home urgently in need of a makeover? Are the floors scuffed? Is the wallpaper peeling off? Are those flowery curtains, grandma gave you starting to look a little dated? Well, it sounds like you better get cracking and sort it out! But be careful to avoid these mistakes, which could cost you time and money.
Don’t get cheap floors
Many people opt for the cheapest flooring possible. This is a big mistake. Which element of your room is going to get the most wear and tear? Yep, that right it is the floor. Do you walk all over your walls all day and every day? No? Do the kids sit on the curtains to play cars? No? That’s why then, you need to give your floors some serious consideration.
There are quite a few choices out there at the moment. Lots of people like wooden floors. They are hardwearing, stylish and you can choose to leave them as the are or put a rug over the top for added comfort. There are two main choices of wooden floor. Laminate and hardwood.
Laminate is when lots of pieces of wood are pressed and glued together to make the floor boards. Hardwood floor planks are cut direct from the logs. Which one you choose will be defined by your taste and budget. Don’t forget to research your options thoroughly and get the most hardwearing flooring you budget will allow.
Don’t wallpaper
To wallpaper or not? Bold and trendy wallpaper designs have become fashionable lately. But you might want to think carefully about all the work involved in wallpapering before you make the leap. You have to line the walls before you apply the paper. Then you have to get the paper itself up. Not as easy task. Think of a jigsaw puzzle as big as you and covered in glue and you get the idea. Then think about covering it up, when you get sick of it. A quick coat of paint isn’t going to be enough to cover most of the crazy design that are on the market at the moment. So if you are not sure, or you’re thinking of moving or renting out your home in the future. You might want to reconsider.
Don’t think of your garden as separate
Gardens, they can bring us so much joy. Growing vegetables, sunbathing, a space for the kids to run around. But are you making the most of your garden? Try thinking of the garden as an additional room in your house. Not just somewhere to dump your push bike when you’re not using it.
Adding seating and lighting can make the garden seem more like a chill-out room than a yard. Why not take your laptop out there and have outdoor movie nights? Looking for more garden tips?
Don’t get fashionable art
With so much visual media available to us, these days, art is everywhere. A big mistake that many people make is that they pick art for their homes that is trending at the time they buy it. To pick art that will improve your surrounds, you must make sure that you actually like it. You don’t have to go with modern or abstract pieces either. There are plenty of place that offer framed prints of old masters’ work.